HPL Board visits Khimti News | May 7, 2014

On 7 May, HPL Board gathered at Kirne for the 178th board meeting in Himal Power Limited, which has operated the Khimti hydro On 7 May, HPL Board gathered at Kirne for the 178th board meeting in Himal Power Limited, which has operated the Khimti hydropower plant since start of commercial operations in year 2000. The Khimti project was the first major international investment undertaken by Statkraft and was the first private FDI project in the energy sector in Nepal. The board meeting was part of a three day get-together for the board, which in addition to new SVP from Statkraft (Ms. Tima Iyer Utne) also has a new local board member (Mr Sanjib Raj Bhandari). Items covered during the trip included introduction to CSR initiatives, review of concern raised by the government and the offtaker in Nepal and meetings with key stakeholders and government officials in Kathmandu.
Ms Tima Iyer Utne said in a statement that Statkraft is proud of its contribution to Nepal through the Khimti project. Khimti has the highest availability of all hydropower projects in Nepal and delivers around 20% of the energy supply to Kathmandu. Khimti has contributed significant to the development of the local community in areas of rural electrification, education and health care, which has been a high priority for its owners.