Tender Notice (For Construction of Khimti Project School (KPS) Additional Blocks at Kirne, Dolakha)

Sealed Tenders are invited from registered contractors for the construction of Khimti Project School (KPS) additional three blocks at Kirne, Shahare-4, Dolakha. KPS is an independent school registered as a Public Education Trust in 2060 and is supported by Himal Power Limited.
Bidder Shall submit following documents along with the bid:
1. Registration of firm or the company
2. Tax registration and tax clearance document
3. Overall work experience
4. Specific work experience
5. Proposed manpower including key personnel and organizational set up
6. Equipment available
7. Health Safety and Environment (HSE) plan to execute the works
8. Financial turnover of last three (3) fiscal years
Note: For the detail information please refer to Terms of Reference provided in the Bidding documents.
HPL retains the right to cancel the bidding procedure altogether, if unethical practices from the bidder or bidder collusion for price setting is found during the bidding.
Bidding documents will be available from 28th January 2017 to 3rd February 2017 by paying NPR 1,000.00 (NPR One Thousand only, nonrefundable) from the following locations;
Account Department Khimti I Hydropower Plant Himal Power Limited Kime Dolakha Phone No Site Office, Kime: +977 048 410031 , 32 & 33
and Procurement Department Himal Power Limited Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur Phone No: +977 15521864
Last date of submission of the Bid is 16th February 2017 before 16:00 Hrs.
The bidder can submit the bid to the address
Procurement Department Himal Power Limited Bijaya Niwas, Opposite to British School Jamsikhel, Lalitpur, Nepal Po Box 12740 Kathmandu Telephone: +977-1-5521864